Killing the Six Dao Integration Saints of the Deepsea Nomads

With Cloud Piercer silently piercing through the enemy's Primordial Spirit, the deepsea nomad Dao Integration Saint immediately felt excruciating pain at the Primordial Spirit level.

The next moment, the Five Elements Annihilation Radiance, trailing blue, red, yellow, white, and blue trajectories, fiercely struck the Primordial Spirit-pierced deepsea nomad Dao Integration Saint.

The power of the Five Elements Annihilation Light instantly ignited the enemy's internal five elements, causing a rapid collapse of their Dao rules along with the annihilation of the five elements.

With these two divine powers unleashed, Jiang Chengxuan seized the opportunity to kill a Dao Integration cultivator in an instant.


[Congratulations, host, for successfully slaying two Dao Integration cultivators.]

[Mission progress: 20%]

The system's prompt followed, indicating that Jiang Chengxuan had slain his second Dao Integration enemy.