Leaving the Treasure Vault, Meeting Qin Shenwu Again

Boxes filled with resources piled up like mountains, and deeper within, Jiang Chengxuan could faintly sense the existence of a second door.

"The second door opens for elders and higher-ups of the sect, requiring contribution points to enter. Would you like to open it?" Before Jiang Chengxuan could ask, the voice of the guarding elder came through the void.

"Of course."

Jiang Chengxuan replied.

He was not short on contribution points now.

And merely the resources on the first level were insufficient to meet his needs for breaking through to the Dao Mastery.

As he spoke, Jiang Chengxuan felt a large array within the entire treasure vault begin to operate.

Layers of restrictions were unlocked, revealing a portal at the far end, like parting clouds.

However, Jiang Chengxuan didn't rush over. Instead, he selected the resources he needed from the first level according to his needs.