Difficult Search, Anomaly at the Junction

As Jiang Chengxuan and the others prepared to deal with the aftermath of their confrontation with the chaos beasts, the rest of the Mahayana Daolords were also encountering similar troubles.

Many chaos beasts had merged into terrifying behemoths, wreaking havoc that seemed almost apocalyptic.

Furthermore, the energy within this patch of the cosmos became increasingly turbulent and scorching with each skirmish.

From the massive chaos beast emerged strange energy tendrils that sprouted from the void, quickly morphing into various forms of new chaos creatures. The unstable energy provided an ideal breeding ground for these low-level chaos beings.

"We'll handle these low-level chaos beasts," Jiang Chengxuan declared, no longer content to watch from the sidelines. He summoned the Five Elements Diagram, which immediately transformed into a piercing Golden Void Sword that slashed through the newly formed chaos creatures, disintegrating them into dust.