The Rule of Reflection, A Terrifying Collision

That was an odd fruit shimmering with the light of glaze, radiating an extremely pure life energy. Its aura made Jiang Chengxuan feel inexplicably familiar.

Feeling a stir in his heart, Jiang Chengxuan realized that the aura of this glazed fruit was somewhat similar to that of the Creation rule.

This discovery undoubtedly startled Jiang Chengxuan, followed immediately by elation.

The rule of Creation is one of the most fundamental rules of this world, representing the most supreme power.

Even now, Jiang Chengxuan had only touched the surface of the Creation rule, relying on its residual power.

If this glazed fruit indeed had a connection with the Creation rule, then it must represent a great opportunity, perhaps even being a legendary level 9 spiritual item.

Just as Jiang Chengxuan was about to secure the glazed fruit, a sudden gravitational force emerged from afar, pulling the approaching fruit away.