Fierce Battle, One Against Four

Upon the ancient platform, the elements gathered, their energies chaotic under the influence of the four colossal beings. The Elemental Giants stepped forward, each stride resounding like the beating of war drums.

Where the Fire Elemental Giant passed, the ground turned into a boiling lake of magma, with volcanic fire surging as fountains of molten lava erupted, scorching the earth.

The Wind Elemental Giant wielded the power of the Wind Dao, surrounded by towering tornadoes, akin to a deity controlling the storms of legend.

The territory traversed by the Water Elemental Giant quickly transformed into a marshy land, a chaotic muddy zone saturated with the powers of the Water Dao, which could stagnate everything.

The Thunder Elemental Giant carried rolling thunderclouds and lightning, darkening the skies and casting the world into alternating light and shadow.