Terrifying Carnage, Observing Changes

Wave after wave of powerful fluctuations erupted, causing a relentless storm to surge through the void.

In such a situation, Jiang Chengxuan acknowledged his limitations and maintained a distance, utilizing the aura of Heavenly Fate Deduction to conceal himself as he observed from the shadows, hundreds of miles away.

Although termed as 'hundreds of miles,' this proximity was already daringly close.

The combatants were two mighty beasts with the strength of Mahayana Daolords. Even without employing their divine powers, the residual effects of their battle could typically affect areas hundreds of miles wide.

An ordinary cultivator, without any means of concealment, would likely have been affected by the fallout and subsequently discovered—a consequence that did not bear thinking about.

It was only by leveraging the almost cheating ability of Heavenly Fate Deduction that Jiang Chengxuan could safely observe the battle from this distance.