Seizing the Opportunity, Critically Injuring the ninth-level Beast

The promotion of the Five Elements Diagram to an Arcane Treasure was undoubtedly profound. The divine light of the five elements lingered continuously, with each of the treasures representing the five elements undergoing slow transformations.

All these changes were concealed within the Five Elements Samsara World, further masked by the chaotic battlefield, rendering them undetectable to the two battling ninth-level beasts who continued their desperate fight.

In Jiang Chengxuan's palm, the power of the Five Elements Diagram had surpassed its original limits, quickly approaching a new threshold and reaching the level of an Arcane Treasure.

The original forms of the treasures each underwent significant transformations. The edge of the Golden Void Sword now carried an extremely domineering layer of invisible fluctuations, capable of distorting the void and slicing through all Dao rules.