The Spiritual Fruit Acquired, New "Visitors" Arrives

In this desolate land, Jiang Chengxuan gleefully harvested his spoils of war.

Though the two ninth-level beasts did not carry their collections like human cultivators, their bodies were still treasure troves in themselves.

Wielding the Golden Void Sword, Jiang Chengxuan transformed into a merciless butcher, methodically dismembering the corpses of the ninth-level beasts.

Take for example the ninth-level Void Beast, whose spikes resembled natural treasures of the void, akin to the Arcane Treasure, and whose bones and skin could be crafted into defensive treasures of the highest order.

Similarly, the scales and the Dao rule-infused tail of the other ninth-level Dragon Beast were equally rare, each a treasure of heavenly stature.

Other materials, such as the beast's eyes and marrow, needless to say, were top grade materials for crafting pills and artifacts.

In Jiang Chengxuan's hands, these resources could be utilized to their fullest potential.