Shen Ruyan's Encounter

Just as he emerged from a site of opportunity, having acquired a treasure that barely caught his eye, he sensed that the soul lamps of his sect's core disciples, which he had brought with him, had extinguished in mere moments.

This ignited a fury in him like never before. While he usually disregarded the mundane affairs of the Sacred Skeleton Sect, he did pay attention to matters concerning his lineage and bloodline.

The individuals he had brought to the Immortal cave abode were his confidants, some even his descendants. Now, their sudden and complete demise was a colossal blow to the sect.

Such a loss was even more devastating than their previous suppression by the Haoran Sect, stripping away their elite disciples and potentially relegating the Sacred Skeleton Sect to a third-rate force.

"Damn it! Damn it all!" Demon Ancestor Skeleton cursed, an ancient rage burning within him.