Organizing the Loot, Jiang Chengxuan Giving Away Gifts

Many ancient techniques have profound connections with runes, a fact that becomes even more evident within this Immortal cave abode.

Every trial site Jiang Chengxuan visited contained these ancient runes—from the ancient runes on the grand gates that lead into the Immortal cave abode, to the platform where the Four Elemental Giants resided, and then to the Seven Kill Array.

Wherever runes were present, there was always something unexpected, and often, they were where opportunities lay.

According to Shen Ruyan's descriptions, which Jiang Chengxuan found to be highly credible, there indeed exists a barren land within the Immortal cave abode, as she described. It is truly inconceivable and defies common sense.

This Immortal cave abode, forged by an ancient immortal, where every blade of grass and every inch of soil was his creation. Under such circumstances, how could there be a large barren area where not a single blade of grass grows?