Deduction, The Seventh-Level of Heavenly Calculation Technique

Jiang Chenxuan had not anticipated that merely achieving a thousand iterations of deduction would earn him three Beads of Deduction from the system—a reward that seemed exceedingly generous.

In an instant, the weariness from his exhaustive deductions seemed to wash away, leaving him feeling as refreshed as if he had been soaking in a hot spring.

Stepping out of his state of deduction, he faced Shen Ruyan's concerned gaze and gave her a confident smile.

"How is it, Husband?" Shen Ruyan approached Jiang Chenxuan, her steps light and graceful, as she gently inquired.

"Wife, just a bit more time and I will be entirely confident in unlocking this black and white stone door," Jiang Chenxuan declared assertively.

Then, he promptly shared the secrets of this location with Shen Ruyan.

Upon understanding the mechanisms involved, her expression grew solemn. Shen Ruyan was well aware of the level of power needed to accomplish such a feat of deduction.