Comprehending the Rule of Death

In the bizarre realm of life and death, marked by only black and white, Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan lost all sense of time, fully immersing themselves in this tremendous opportunity.

The power of life and death manifested distinctly in each of them, causing their auras to undergo unbelievable transformations.

In the deathly stillness of the life and death realm, the only changes occurred around Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan.

In the immaculate white domain, streams fell vertically, plummeting nine thousand miles directly onto Shen Ruyan, where she absorbed and comprehended the incredibly pure force of the rule.

In the deep black domain, black lines emerged as if rising from the netherworld, connecting to Jiang Chengxuan. These too were infused with extremely pure forces of the rule.