The Sudden Barrier, A Terrifying Collision

Jiang Chengxuan's firm rejection undoubtedly drove Daolord Skeleton and Daolord Phantom Ghost to madness. Both channeled their energies to the peak, clearly signaling their intent to strike.

In this immortal cave abode, among the top three sects of the Floodgate Realm, a terrifying battle between three Mahayana Daolords was on the verge of erupting.


However, just then, a startling change occurred nearby. Bursts of brilliant, mysterious light suddenly flared, illuminating this part of the world.

This sudden disturbance caught everyone on the verge of action by surprise, momentarily dispelling their murderous intents.

Jiang Chengxuan and the others looked toward the source and saw a barrier emanating a misty treasure-like aura abruptly appear in the void. Inside, treasures sparkled with an incredibly mystical light.

This spectacle stunned both Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan, leaving them slightly at a loss.