Secrets and Origins of the Immortal cave abode

The jade slip from Immortal Eastern River contained records of realms beyond that of immortals, filled with information that was elusive even for those below the immortal level.

From these brief notes, it wasn't clear how one might cultivate to such lofty realms. Yet, even these few sentences ignited a burning passion within Jiang Chengxuan and the others.

Although they were already unmatched in the Floodgate Realm and could dominate entire domains, they realized that their thousands, even tens of thousands, of years of cultivation paled in comparison to the grandeur of the immortal realm. Even the ancient ancestors of various sects, Jiang Chengxuan surmised, had likely not reached the realm of Earth Immortals.

"To think, beyond the realm of immortals lies such terrifying realms. It seems we have indeed been frogs at the bottom of a well," Qin Shenwu remarked with a sigh.