Departure, Collapse of Immortal Cave Abode

The last words of Immortal Eastern River put everyone in a difficult position, as they faced such a powerful enemy, one could not be indifferent.

After all, what Immortal Eastern River required was a vow of the heart. Once made, should they encounter Immortal Red Flame in the future, they must act against him in good conscience.

Should they act cowardly, under the vow, they would never be able to continue cultivating. Their realms might even suffer backlash, their hearts could shatter, and they might even die on the spot.

Ultimately, Jiang Chengxuan stepped forward and swore over the remains of Immortal Eastern River:

"I, Jiang Chengxuan, hereby make a vow. If the opportunity arises to avenge our predecessor, I will do everything in my power to slay Immortal Red Flame of the Floodgate Immortal Sect!"

As the words fell, a mysterious power emerged and entered Jiang Chengxuan's heart.