The Great Dao is Completed, The State of Mahayana

Without a moment to rejoice, Jiang Chengxuan's consciousness was abruptly pulled back into the cave abode. At this moment, his perception of the world had radically transformed. If previously he had felt like a sailor adrift at sea, now, within the Floodgate Realm, he was like a fish in water.

Every thread of energy in the void was distinctly perceivable to him; every force of Dao could be effortlessly manifested and manipulated.

"Perhaps, this is what it feels like to be a child of the cultivation world…" Jiang Chengxuan mused, his eyes sparkling with insight.

"However, there is one last challenge."

With his newfound realm of Mahayana, Jiang Chengxuan sensed a surge of ferocity in the air. Mysterious red lightning flickered in and out of existence in the void, unmistakably signaling the imminent arrival of his human tribulation.

Although he had secured the world's mark, the final admonishment and warning from the cosmos were still due to arrive.