Breakthrough Amidst Adversity, Crossing the Thunder Tribulation

In the brink of peril, Shen Ruyan exerted all her might, finally managing to thwart the assault of the Dao Phoenix.

In that fleeting moment, the world's brand merged into her Dao physique.


The ferocious Dao Phoenix let out a piercing cry, then its looming figure gradually dissipated, shrouding everything in oblivion.

Within the clouds and misty peaks, divine radiance emanated from Shen Ruyan's body, while strands of primordial thunder emerged in the void.

With eyebrows resembling willow leaves, Shen Ruyan suddenly opened her eyes, her demeanor imposing yet tranquil.

Subsequently, the apparition manifesting between heaven and earth swiftly converged and dissipated.

"Congratulations, Wife, on attaining Mahayana,"

At that moment, the voice of Jiang Chengxuan resonated from nearby.

Shen Ruyan looked up and indeed saw Jiang Chengxuan's smiling face, brimming with contentment as he gazed upon her.