The Immortal Ancestor

With the ritual, Jiang Chengxuan can now convey messages to the Immortal Realm, a major advantage of having ascended to a Daolord in managing the sect.

Previously, he could only see or hear messages conveyed by the ancestors from the Immortal Realm, which were not useful.

Moreover, given the nature of immortals, they are unlikely to constantly monitor the lower realms or proactively assist in resolving issues for the sects there.

At such times, it is only through the sect master's appeal to the immortal ancestors that they may lend their aid based on past karma and help in times of crisis.

With this in mind, Jiang Chengxuan no longer hesitated. He regulated his breathing and cleared all stray thoughts from his mind.

He stood at the very center of the Ancestral Hall, beneath a skylight that opened upward, casting a beam of light hundreds of meters down onto him.