Primary Target, Destroy the Array Flags

Upon discovering the existence of the Absolute Heaven Array, Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan felt a chill down their spines, yet at the same time, there was a sense of relief.

Only at this moment did they truly unravel the mystery of the great calamity of the world, finding a ray of hope amidst the fog.

It must be said, the decision to declare war on the demonic sects, although rational, was still a huge gamble.

Jiang Chengxuan, although never showing it publicly, couldn't help but harbor concerns about the plan in his heart.

Their opponent was a demonic immortal, akin to a deity for the Floodgate Realm, with all other beings mere ants by comparison. Competing against such an entity required immense courage.

As the leader of the Floodgate Realm, Jiang Chengxuan carried a weight on his shoulders not as light as others might imagine. Each of his decisions impacted the future of the realm; any slight mishap could render him a sinner for eternity.