Temporary Conclusion, Cleaning Up the Battlefield

"At this point, you still harbor such wishful thinking?" Another Demonic Sect Daolord sneered at Daolord Phantom Ghost's plea for mercy. "Failure is our destiny. We might as well die gloriously than live in hiding in the lower realms. It's a pity I won't see the sights of the Immortal Realm."

In the silent gaze of Jiang Chengxuan and the others, this Daolord muttered to himself.

He didn't truly worship the demon immortal; he was merely pursuing his own path.

But once committed, there was no turning back. With their defeat sealed, only death awaited them.

"Jiang Chengxuan, among all of us, you are the most likely to ascend to the Immortal Realm. So, you should be the one to send me on my way," he said calmly, accepting his fate.