Summoning the Immortal Treasure

Meanwhile, in the eastern seas of the Floodgate Realm.

Under the celestial calamity, all the creatures of the eastern sea had become extraordinarily bloodthirsty.

Amidst the towering, terrifying waves, countless gigantic sea monsters roared towards the sky, their demonic energy surging.

These creatures, usually hidden in the deep seas, had emerged on the surface, and upon sighting one another, engaged in brutal battles.

Even the typically docile sea beasts now had bloodshot eyes, churning up storms in the ocean, intent on destroying everything.

Amidst these bizarre phenomena, the cultivators from the sects around the eastern seas were filled with dread, watching as the sea turned crimson with blood.

"The celestial calamity is upon us. What is happening in the eastern seas?" An elder from a longstanding superpower in the region muttered, his brows furrowed with worry.