Fierce Battle with the False-Immortal

As Immortal Corpse Fuser, formed from countless remains, launched their attacks, the void shattered with each of their moves.

Their mere gestures stirred dark winds, exerting immense pressure on everyone present.


The blows from the two Immortal Corpse Fusers struck the barrier formed by the Immortal Treasures, causing intense ripples and vibrations.

Under their terrifying strength, a group of cultivators was sent flying, turning into shadows and being flung several miles away.

For a moment, countless cultivators in the Floodgate Realm gasped in shock.

In this assault, they didn't sense any explosive energy—the two Immortal Corpse Fusers relied solely on their physical strength to contend with the Immortal Treasures' suppression.

Such physical power evidently surpassed the realm of the Mahayana Daolords. Even Jiang Chengxuan admitted he couldn't match them.