Qin Shenwu's Ascension (2)

The sudden phenomenon startled countless cultivators gazing at Haoran Sect.

Though they were unaware of the information left by Immortal East River, the great Daolords knew well that ascending to the Immortal Realm was no longer a smooth process.

For nearly ten thousand years, these veteran Daolords refrained from triggering celestial light to ascend, feeling a warning from the unseen.

"It seems the path to the Immortal Realm has indeed become problematic," Daolord Pantheon remarked gravely.

His heart sank, erasing any lingering hope. He had thought about ascending during the peak period of the Floodgate Realm, but Qin Shenwu's current struggle proved otherwise.

The deep and chaotic force ahead was impenetrable even for him. Without a fortuitous encounter, ascension was nearly impossible.