Flying Immortal City

"The nearest immortal city from here is Flying Immortal City, which falls under the domain of our Feixing Immortal Sect. Beyond Flying Immortal City, there's a cave abode that belongs to me, although I haven't visited it in a long time. If Daoist Jiang doesn't mind, you can use that place to transform your mortal body into an immortal one."

Pointing towards a direction in the distance, Li Fengyun spoke to Jiang Chengxuan.

Naturally, Jiang Chengxuan wouldn't refuse such an offer. He immediately cupped his hands in thanks and said:

"Thank you, Brother Li! Having a cave abode to temporarily use is more than satisfactory."

His address of Li Fengyun changed from "Daoist" to "Brother," signaling a shift in their relationship. Li Fengyun, an astute individual, noticed this change and nodded with a smile.

"Let us proceed then. I'll leave the Flying Immortal Platform to others and personally take you to the cave abode."