Flying Immortal Alchemy Guild

Arriving once more at the Flying Immortal City teleportation hall, Jiang Chengxuan navigated through the crowd and stood on the resplendent teleportation platform.

This was his third teleportation for the day, and he was still within the usage limit.

As the immortal light shimmered and space fluctuated, Jiang Chengxuan's vision brightened, and the scenery of the teleportation hall transformed dramatically.

Flying Immortal City's Northern Sector, this was Jiang Chengxuan's destination.

Without much hesitation, he walked out of the teleportation hall and onto the main street of the Northern Sector, anticipation bubbling within him.

Immediately, Jiang Chengxuan noticed a difference in the atmosphere compared to other sectors of Flying Immortal City.

The streets here were lined with cultivators selling medicinal herbs and shops dealing in alchemical furnaces and other tools.