Assisting in the Refining of a Ninth-Level Pill

Under Jiang Chengxuan's watchful eyes, the elder walked over to a massive furnace in the center of the hall. His robe billowed, and he channeled the power of his Dao rules into the furnace.

With a loud "boom," the lid of the furnace flew open, and beams of golden light shot out, illuminating the entire hall. Under the elder's control, waves of intensely hot flames surged from the furnace, forming a sea of fire above it.

The heat distorted the surrounding space, and the flames, infused with the Dao rules of the Immortal Domain, seemed almost alive.

Even with Jiang Chengxuan's formidable cultivation, he could feel the scorching heat emanating from the flames.

However, in the hands of the elder, these flames were perfectly controlled. No matter how wildly they danced, they did not escape his grasp, causing no harm to the surroundings.

Inside the furnace, Jiang Chengxuan could faintly sense a pill gradually taking shape amidst the roaring flames.