The Mountain and Sea Furnace and the Grand Elder

Jiang Chengxuan's decision to become a guest elder of the Flying Immortal Alchemy Guild was met with no opposition from the other three guild elders.

Each elder had the right to recruit guest elders, and Jiang Chengxuan's exceptional skills left them no reason to object.

Since his role didn't threaten their positions, there was no need for unnecessary actions.

After all, above the four main elders, there was a Grand Elder whose wrath no one wanted to provoke.

"Congratulations, Elder Chengxuan!"

"Hahaha, congratulations indeed! Looking forward to working with you."

"Of course, with Elder Chengxuan joining the Flying Immortal Alchemy Guild, it's a strong alliance."

After the ceremony of joining the Flying Immortal Alchemy Guild concluded, the elders expressed their congratulations to Jiang Chengxuan, who responded with smiles and pleasantries.

After the disciples dispersed, Jiang Chengxuan was led to an alchemy chamber.