The Immortal Pill Formed, Joining the Alchemy Guild

"This child's talent is extraordinary, even among our Thousand Stars Immortal Domain Alchemy Guild!"

"When did such an alchemist emerge from the Thousand Stars Immortal Domain?"

"His fire control technique, familiarity with the rules of immortal herbs, and understanding of the pill formula—all are of exceptional caliber."

"This child is terrifyingly skilled!"

From the initial shock to silent admiration and praise, many elders of the Thousand Stars Immortal Domain Alchemy Guild were deeply impressed by Jiang Chengxuan's alchemical prowess, much like the Grand Elder had been.

Even the Inner Cabinet Elder watched Jiang Chengxuan's techniques intently, as if trying to learn from him.

The founding purpose of the Thousand Stars Immortal Domain Alchemy Guild was to facilitate the exchange and learning among alchemists, ensuring that the domain's alchemical practices did not fall behind other regions.