Nine-Turn Scarlet Fire Pill

Just as Jiang Chengxuan turned to leave, Lan Yu and his companions dealt with the troublesome blue-robed cultivator and glanced at the spot where Jiang Chengxuan had stood.

Seeing that Jiang Chengxuan had already left, Lan Yu frowned slightly, a hint of regret in his eyes.

"Thank you for your assistance, sir. May I ask your name?" Lan Yu and his group, now more relaxed, approached the blue-robed cultivator with smiles, clasping their hands in greeting.

Awakened from his disappointment, the blue-robed cultivator withdrew his gaze from Jiang Chengxuan's direction and returned their greeting with a smile, saying, "My name is Zhou Xuanyu."

"This exchange conference was organized on my suggestion. If any guests encounter trouble, it is my duty to assist and ensure their comfort. It's no problem."

Although his words were mostly polite, Zhou Xuanyu had indeed helped them, earning him some goodwill from Lan Yu and his companions.