Spirit Hound's Courage (2)

He was adapting to this change.

Lin Changqing saw the Tiger-Spotted Dog's appearance clearly. The various wounds on the Tiger-Spotted Dog's body were slowly disappearing. Under the influence of its spirituality and talent, its mind and body were undergoing huge changes.

After the change in the Tiger-Spotted Dog ended, Lin Changqing whispered to it, "From now on, you'll be called Little Tiger!"

Lin Changqing patted the [Bamboo Staff] in his hand again and said, "From now on, you'll be called Little Bamboo!"

The two pets who got their names expressed their joy.

Lin Changqing carefully sensed the situation around the small courtyard and found that there were many movements, but no one was paying attention to his small courtyard.

He opened the courtyard door again and let Little Tiger run deeper into the alley. After confirming that there was no danger, he walked to the two gang members who were on their last breaths. He carried the tall man hard and strode out of the courtyard into the depths of the alley.

Little Tiger was scouting in the dark ahead. Lin Changqing had a short knife at his waist and Little Bamboo in his hand. With his enhanced physique, it was not difficult for him to carry someone.

He strode quickly. The more he walked, the more dilapidated and desolate the alley became. After walking for about 200 meters, Little Tiger suddenly stopped.

Lin Changqing threw the tall gang member on his back to the side of the road and turned around to walk back.

It was not a good place ahead. Strange things often happened. Lin Changqing's powerful perception had already sensed that there were some unknown things hidden in the darkness ahead. If not for Little Tiger's courage, he would not have dared to approach this place alone.

In this world, even in the county city, there were many dangers. If one was not careful, one could easily lose their life. Everyone who survived was not simple.

Lin Changqing made another trip and threw the short gang member and the short knife he had dropped to the tall gang member. He broke a random tree branch from the side of the road and cleaned up the footprints he and Little Tiger had left.

After returning to the small courtyard, Lin Changqing cooked all the remaining miscellaneous food and had a big meal with Little Tiger. He came to the courtyard to recall the training method of his predecessor and exercise to digest his food.

The training of his predecessor was just ordinary strength, endurance, and speed training. There was nothing special about it. His punches, kicks, and saber techniques were all blindly figured out by his predecessor based on his experience. He emphasized speed, ruthlessness, and accuracy. There was no method.

Lin Changqing practiced all of them and picked out some training methods that felt useful according to the various training methods circulated on the internet before he transmigrated.

After a while, he went to the well in the corner of the small courtyard to get water. After washing up, he went back to bed.

With Little Tiger in the courtyard, there was no need to worry about sleeping.


He slept until dawn.

Lin Changqing realized that ever since he fused with the memories of his predecessor, the painful memories of his predecessor's growth had greatly honed his will. Coupled with the existence of the Broken Net and the talent and pets he had obtained, he quickly integrated into this world after sleeping.

Lin Changqing took out a few pieces of silver from his hiding place and placed them on his body. These were all the assets of his predecessor. Everything else in the room was left behind by Elder Zhao.

This courtyard was where Elder Zhao originally lived. Later on, he moved to a better place, so this place was empty. His predecessor had spent a lot of time cleaning it up. It was already lively outside. The residents of the slums were all busy with their daily lives.

Lin Changqing washed up, took Little Bamboo, and left with Little Tiger. The alley was filled with poor people with disheveled faces and ragged clothes. Lin Changqing had just moved in not long ago, so he didn't know anyone.

After turning into a pet, no one could recognize Little Tiger, whose image and temperament had changed drastically.

The surrounding people seemed to know that Lin Changqing was a member of the gang. Seeing that he had brought a vicious dog with him, they took the initiative to stay away from him.

Lin Changqing walked out of the alley and came to the street. The street was very prosperous. People were coming and going, and the sounds of hawking could be heard.

He bought a few big buns on the street and stuffed two into Little Tiger's mouth. He ate and walked. He turned right and left. The more he walked, the more prosperous the area became. Soon, he arrived at the gang's base at the intersection of the county's business district and the slums.

The words "Knife Gang" were hung on the entrance of the base. This was the name of Lin Changqing's gang. The core members of the gang were all good at using short knives.

The Knife Gang's strength was ranked at the top of Yanggu County. They had thousands of members and were spread all over the county. The matters that the government did not care about were all managed by the various sects. The sects in this world were an indispensable force.

This world had supernatural powers. Although there were dangers everywhere, the scale of the population far exceeded the ancient world in Lin Changqing's impression.

Perhaps it was because his predecessor had been living on the edge of the darkness at the bottom of this world, what he had seen and heard was too difficult and dark. Until now, he had not integrated into the mainstream of this world, and what he had seen was too one-sided.

An ordinary gang in a county had thousands of members. This was something Lin Changqing could not imagine. The size of this county had also exceeded his common sense.

"The supernatural world really can't be judged by common sense!" Along the way, Lin Changqing sighed with emotion. Looking at the imposing gang buildings, he adjusted his mentality and strode in with his pet, Little Tiger.

The Knife Gang's base was very large, but ordinary gang members couldn't live here. Lin Changqing didn't meet many gang members along the way, and he didn't know most of them.

Lin Changqing maintained the style of his predecessor. He greeted a few of the more familiar members and went straight to the office of the station manager.

The managers of the gang were all trusted aides of the gang master. They had a lot of power and helped the gang master manage the matters of the gang.

"Lin Changqing greets the manager!" According to the rules of the gang, Lin Changqing bowed to the old manager.

"Changqing, you're here. Elder Zhao is no longer around. You're the junior he thinks highly of. You have to pull yourself together as soon as possible and work hard!"

Because of Elder Zhao, the manager knew Lin Changqing and had some understanding of the matter between Elder Zhao and Lin Changqing.

Elder Zhao was not weak. He could be considered a powerful fighter in the gang. He was very experienced. He was familiar with many of the middle and higher-ups in the gang. However, the fact that Elder Zhao wanted to acknowledge Lin Changqing as his god-grandson only spread some rumors and was not concretely implemented.

As the saying went, when a person left, the tea would cool. The people in the gang who knew about this were only a little curious about Lin Changqing, but they wouldn't treat him differently just because of this relationship.

"I will work hard to improve and not embarrass Elder Zhao!"

"Manager, I'm here this time to hand over the courtyard that Elder Zhao left behind to the gang. I'm alone, so I can't stay in such a huge courtyard!" Lin Changqing explained his intentions.

The manager took out a book from the rack beside him and flipped through it before saying, "You're talking about the small courtyard that Elder Zhao gave you, right? Since Elder Zhao has already given it to you, you can stay there! As for Elder Zhao's other inheritances, your relationship with him has yet to be confirmed. You can only hand them all over to the gang. Don't even think about it! If there's nothing else, you can go back first!"

The manager's tone suddenly became stiff, directly telling Lin Changqing to get lost.

Lin Changqing thought about it for a moment and understood. He had done something wrong today. This manager must think that he wanted Elder Zhao's other inheritance.

At this point, Lin Changqing could only leave first. Just as he was about to leave, a few people quickly walked in. It was Leader Lu who had slapped his predecessor yesterday.