Book Spirit, A Trump Card

Lin Changqing opened the book [Myriad Spirit Technique] and saw words that were much more obscure and difficult to understand than the [Cangwu Saber Technique]. It was just the introduction, but Lin Changqing was confused, like a primary school student reading classical Chinese.

After carefully reading and guessing, Lin Changqing finally understood a little of the content. This was an ancient cultivation technique suitable for all living beings to cultivate. Other than that, the more Lin Changqing read the other content, the more dizzy he felt. After reading it for a long time, he would feel frustrated and nauseous.

"Not to mention cultivating this cultivation technique, just looking at it is already harmful to the body and mind." Lin Changqing endured the discomfort and closed the book. He closed his eyes to rest and mobilized the life force in his body to ease the discomfort. "The level of this cultivation technique is too high. It's not something I can hope for now. No wonder Elder Zhao is still in the sect with this thing."

After Lin Changqing returned to normal, he looked at the [Myriad Spirit Technique] on the table and hesitated for a moment. In the end, he took out the broken net that had tried to capture [Cangwu Saber Technique] yesterday.

"The cultivation scroll of the [Cangwu Saber Technique] is an inanimate object. It's understandable that it failed to capture it. But this Myriad Spirit Technique has such a powerful spirituality. I wonder what will happen if I use the Broken Net to capture it?

"Will it succeed and give birth to stronger spirituality? Or will it fail because the level is too high? Should I let the broken net accumulate more energy for a few more days?"

Lin Changqing hesitated for once. He knew that this might be a huge opportunity. The success or failure of the broken net was extraordinary.

In the end, Lin Changqing decided to take a gamble. With his current situation, he did not have the time to calmly wait for the broken net to accumulate energy. He had to seize the opportunity.

Lin Changqing grabbed the broken net with his right hand and threw it gently. The broken net flew down and caught the [Myriad Spirit Technique] on the table. Nothing unexpected happened. He seemed to be a student checking the scores of the college entrance examination, nervously waiting for the judgment of fate.

The [Myriad Spirit Technique] book that was caught by the net trembled slightly and opened on its own.

A bit of spirituality was born. It flew out of the page and absorbed the milky white spiritual energy that kept flying out of the book. Gradually, it formed a jade energy mini person that was as tall as a finger.

The mini person looked like a five or six-year-old page boy. It was impossible to tell if he was a man or a woman. His appearance was extremely exquisite, like a lifelike jade sculpture made of suet jade.

The little jade energy page boy's tightly shut eyes slowly opened. Although its milky white pupils were very lively, it clearly showed its identity. It was just a spiritual energy.

The net flew back and returned to Lin Changqing's sea of consciousness. This time, the capture that made Lin Changqing uneasy actually succeeded in one try.

Lin Changqing suppressed his excitement and looked at the [Myriad Spirit Technique] that was still changing on the table. It was an energy figurine that was like an elf from a book. It looked around curiously and moved its limbs, as if it was also adapting to this magical change.

Suddenly, the energy figurine used the book as a boat and carried him into the air. It flew in front of Lin Changqing and said in a clear and pleasant voice, "Master, thank you for giving me spirituality and life."

The five- or six-year-old energy figurine bowed and spoke like a refined scholar. There was an extremely strong contrast and cuteness. This book that recorded the [Myriad Spirit Technique] had already become Lin Changqing's pet. Under the spiritual modification given by the Broken Net, it had undergone a shocking change.

Lin Changqing and his pet were telepathic. He could feel that this pet's intelligence was no weaker than his.

"This is also your opportunity." Lin Changqing did not stand on ceremony with the energy figurine. Although it had the appearance of a human, it was not a human. In essence, it was still that book, his pet.

Lin Changqing couldn't wait to check the attributes of his new pet.

[Book Spirit of Technique Book]

[Introduction]: A powerful book spirit born from a book that records the ancient cultivation technique [Myriad Spirit Technique]. It is a special creature that can fuse all techniques in one. It can grow.

[Strength]: Lupin?

[Talent]: [Fusion of Ten Thousand Techniques], [Wisdom], [Technique Impartation]

[Fusion of Ten Thousand Technique]: Any cultivation technique can be quickly memorized, analyzed, cultivated, mastered, deduced, and evolved into a unified system.

[Wisdom]: Increases intelligence and mental strength.

[Technique Impartation]: Transmits what you know and learn to others through spiritual consciousness or other forms.

The attributes of the [Spirit Book of Technique Book] gave Lin Changqing a huge surprise.

"Strength in the Lupin realm? The question mark at the end is because the martial arts level information I know is limited, so the Broken Net could not give a specific strength level? Cheng Lihu said that above the Qi Refinement Realm is Lupin. He didn't tell me how the martial arts experts are divided in the Lupin Realm.

"This means that this new pet is at least at the Qi Refinement Realm. When Cheng Lihu introduced the Lupin, he used the words 'Extraordinary Lupin'. From his tone, I can tell that Lupin martial artists are very powerful. He's not a Lupin powerhouse.

"In the Knife Gang, the only person stronger than Cheng Lihu might be that mysterious Gang Master. With this new pet [Spirit Book of Technique Book], I finally have a trump card."

The powerful strength of the [Book Spirit of Technique Book] gave Lin Changqing a certain amount of confidence. In the future, he would no longer have to walk on thin ice.

Lin Changqing looked at the pet's strength that he was most concerned about and then looked at the pet's introduction and talent. He was even more ecstatic.

"Three talents! If talents are also divided into levels, these three talents can be ranked among the highest. With this [Book Spirit of Technique Book], my future martial arts cultivation will be smooth.

"It even depends on the various pets' talents. Other than increasing my strength through the broken net, there's another powerful way. Furthermore, I can try to obtain these three powerful talents. As long as I can obtain it successfully, even if it's a weakened version, it will be a huge improvement for me."

Lin Changqing briefly understood the three powerful talents of the [Book Spirit of Technique Book] and had many ideas. The first thing he had to do now was to try and see if he could obtain these three powerful talents.

"Choose to obtain the talents [Fusion of Ten Thousand Techniques], [Wisdom], and [Technique Impartation]."

The Broken Net absorbed three points of spiritual light from the energy figurine of the [Book Spirit of Technique Book] and converted them into energy suitable for Lin Changqing's human body to activate the innate ability to modify him.

The talent energy of [Fusion of Ten Thousand Techniques] increased Lin Changqing's comprehension ability. His memory, learning ability, cultivation aptitude, and other aspects had all improved.

Lin Changqing recalled the [Cangwu Saber Technique]. There were many things that he could not understand in the past, but now, he could understand them with the [Heaven Gate Saber Technique] he cultivated.

The talent energy of [Wisdom] enhanced Lin Changqing's wisdom and mental strength, clearing his mind. There were many things that he couldn't figure out, didn't pay attention to, and didn't understand in the past, as well as things that he had already done and was prepared to do. Now, he had many new ideas.

The talent energy of [Technique Impartation] enhanced Lin Changqing's comprehensive ability to impart knowledge to others, giving him a powerful comprehensive quality that allowed him to efficiently impart what he had learned to others.

Lin Changqing had successfully obtained the three talents of the [Book Spirit of Technique Book]. From his mind to his body, he had obtained unimaginable benefits.