Confidence, Planning for Change

Lin Changqing came to the courtyard and practiced the [Heaven Gate Saber Technique (Fusion)] version for the first time in reality.

This fused cultivation technique looked no different from the introductory section of the Heaven Gate Saber Technique on the outside, but there was a huge change in the invisible details.

Lin Changqing could clearly feel that his current cultivation speed had increased by at least three times.

As for the [Myriad Spirit Technique], he did not dare to cultivate it in the small courtyard at all. Cultivating the [Myriad Spirit Technique] would cause obvious spiritual energy fluctuations in the small courtyard with thin spiritual energy. Those martial arts experts who were sensitive to spiritual energy would sense the abnormality here and attract big trouble.

With the [Myriad Spirit Technique], Lin Changqing and his pets had another way to quickly increase their strength.

However, the cultivation of the [Myriad Spirit Technique] required caution. Lin Changqing's idea was to wait for Shuling to grow for a period of time and have a foolproof plan before starting to cultivate it together.

At this moment, he and his pets could hide their identities and cultivate elsewhere, but they definitely could not cultivate in this small courtyard related to him and Elder Zhao.

Lin Changqing's [Heaven Gate Saber Technique (Fusion)] cultivation technique and martial skill had both reached the Perfection Stage because of Shuling's [Technique Impartation]. Now, cultivating them was as smooth as flowing water.

His once superficial saber technique had now improved qualitatively.

Lin Changqing had just fused three new extraordinary talents and cultivated a new system of powerful cultivation techniques. Lin Changqing's actual combat strength had increased greatly again.

His original five pets were all very different because they had obtained the [Technique Impartation] from Shuling and cultivated the [Myriad Spirit Technique].

The cultivation of the [Myriad Spirit Technique] helped various living beings comprehend battle techniques that were suitable for them. After a period of cultivation, Lin Changqing's pets would become even stronger.


Lin Changqing adapted to the new cultivation techniques and martial skills for a while and stopped cultivating. With the existence of Shuling, he now had many new ideas.

In the small courtyard, [Thorn Vine] had already absorbed all the vitality of the vines on the ground. The vines that were very lush just now had turned into ashes and disappeared. The main body of the [Thorn Vine] had already returned to Lin Changqing's side. It had left a huge clone and strong roots all over the ground under the courtyard.

There were only a few traces left on the soil in the courtyard, which was in line with the original state.

Lin Changqing returned to the central room and picked up the [Bamboo Staff]. With the [Short Knife] at his waist, he was about to bring Little Tiger out.

Shuling waved a spiritual energy saber beam and hit the iron box that contained the spatial cloth. It directly smashed the iron box into a pile of iron filings and scattered. As for the wooden table where the metal box was placed, it was not damaged at all.

Shuling's casual attack exceeded Lin Changqing's understanding and made him feel at ease. After destroying the iron box, Shuling fused into the main book and turned into a very ordinary thread-bound book. It picked up the spatial bag on the table and flew into Lin Changqing's arms.

Now that Lin Changqing had Shuling to protect him, he didn't have to keep Little Green by his side all the time. The size of the wolfhound was too eye-catching, so he left Little Green in the small courtyard.

Lin Changqing walked out of the courtyard and casually hung a sign that he had just written on the wall. It said, "There are fierce dogs inside. No one is allowed to enter unless they are invited!"

After closing the courtyard door, Lin Changqing looked around the slum alley in front of the small courtyard and saw that many slum residents were chatting and waiting for work on the empty space beside the intersection near the street. They were all poor people who worked part-time for a living.

Lin Changqing walked forward with Little Tiger. Under the respectful gazes of the odd-job workers, he took out a silver ingot and said loudly, "My courtyard needs to be renovated. I'll pay ten taels of silver for the job. Who is willing to go?"

Silver was very valuable in this world. An ordinary family's annual income was only a few taels of silver. When Lin Changqing took out ten taels of silver, the eyes of the odd-job workers lit up.

However, these workers were well-informed. They all knew Lin Changqing. Just now, Lin Changqing had paraded around the city with a huge ferocious dog, and they had seen it. Not everyone had the courage to earn these ten taels of silver.

"We're willing to go!" While the other odd-jobs workers were still hesitating, a thin and small youth in tattered clothes walked out from a corner with a group of more than ten youths in the same state.

Lin Changqing's body was about the same age as these youths. They were all above fifteen years old and below twenty years old. As for how old he was, he and these youths basically didn't know.

A group of thin and small youths was naturally at a disadvantage when compared to the other relatively strong youths. According to the style of his predecessor, he definitely did not want these youths. Instead, he chose the strong ones to work.

However, the current Lin Changqing was not his predecessor. He was a soul that had transmigrated.

He had always done things according to his predecessor's style. Firstly, it was to disguise himself. Secondly, his predecessor's experience was too rich. Lin Changqing's experience of growing up in a peaceful environment was comparatively like a piece of white paper. It absorbed the memories of his predecessor and had a certain impact on him.

After obtaining the [Wisdom] talent, Lin Changqing's intelligence and mental strength had greatly increased, completely removing the influence of his predecessor's memories.

Lin Changqing absorbed all the beneficial parts of his predecessor's memories, and the harmful parts were separated and preserved like a movie.

What Lin Changqing wanted to do now, whether it was fast or slow, did not affect his interests, so he did not reject this group of youths who were struggling to survive.

Lin Changqing had a kind personality. Although he understood his situation and learned the decisiveness and ruthlessness of his predecessor, this kind heart still affected him under certain circumstances.

"Sure, come with me!" Lin Changqing immediately agreed and turned to leave. This made the workers who were hesitating feel extremely vexed.

Sixteen skinny teenagers happily followed behind Lin Changqing. As long as they finished this job properly, they wouldn't have to worry about food and drink for a long time.

Lin Changqing thought for a moment and went back to call Little Green. The group went to the carriage shop and rented two large carts to pull goods. They went to the blacksmith shop to buy farming tools and ironware and walked out of the city.

On the way, Lin Changqing bought a few large bags of buns. He and Little Tiger ate a few and distributed the rest to the group of youths.

Although the young part-timers were full of fighting spirit, they looked a little hungry. Many of them found it difficult to walk fast. They would probably be exhausted after doing heavy work.

"Eat a few each. You can work after you're full."

"Thank you for saving my life, boss!"

"Thank you, boss!"

"Thank you, boss!"

The group of young men were all grateful and excited.

Each youth was given three big meat buns, enough to fill their stomachs. However, Lin Changqing discovered that the sixteen youths kept the remaining two buns after eating one bun.

"Eat all of it." Lin Changqing said coldly.

The youngsters could only eat their fill reluctantly.

After leaving the county city, the number of people around him decreased. Lin Changqing sensed that some people had been secretly following him.