
30 months later, Cara was being impregnated via a needle attached to a long tube containing a live skin cell being put up her body into her fallopian tubes where the eggs are. Then, the needle inserts itself into an egg ever so gently, and something comes out of the needle, a cell, the skin cell of ----, and into the egg it fertilized.

Nine months later, Persona was born in deep confusion.

Later on, after leaving the hospital, In This small park with a fairytale-like look boasting a fountain, many flowers, and a playground, Tony and Cara cuddled each other with the baby girl Persona in their arms.

2 years later, This tiny house has a retro look and is in good condition. The interior is done in colors that remind you of a gingerbread house. The yard is small and looks very formal, as Cara was a wonderful gardener.

Persona and Tony were constructing a puzzle that was a portrait of a girl with a mirthful expression. It's done in black ink. This shy fire elemental appears as a woman. She has brown eyes, a luminous dark saffron complexion, and no hair. She is short, slightly pudgy, and has clawed fingers and feet. She is relatively good at making pottery in the puzzle's image and is terrible at keeping secrets, as noted on the back of the puzzle's storage box. She wears a lot of mismatched clothing.

Cara's skills include martial arts, gardening, cleaning, and heavy lifting. So, Cara was practicing martial arts. Cara had just finished making the home spotless and moving some heavy furniture around.

Tony's skills include identifying plants, which helped in his wife's gardening, socializing, and lockpicking. Tony was the most famous man in town due to his job as a politician and his ability to socialize.

He was not one of the many people who were awkward, not even growing up. He was always chill, and it helped with his socialization skills. I'm not saying he's perfect because he can talk to others; I'm saying Tony's well-liked because he knows what to say and do.

Tony heard a knock on the door as 20 of the 30 puzzle pieces were completed. Tony stood up and went to answer the door. He saw Kris, who said, "I wanna see the kid." Kris was upset. VERY upset.

Tony asked Kris, "Hey, buddy, what's wrong?"

Kris shouted, "She beat me up as soon as she saw me." Lina attacked in self-defense, and Kris tried to kill her. Kris is Lina's abusive ex-boyfriend.

Tony asked, "Why'd she do that?" Tony and Cara absolutely have no idea.

Kris says that "She doesn't love me anymore, I need to have the baby."

Tony asked, "You want her back? You don't know why she hit you? What's going on, man?"

Kris yelled, "She's my only hope."

Tony says, "How long are you taking your daughter? You left her with us when your plan to re-patch your relationship with your ex didn't work. So why haven't you moved on?"

Kris says, "She looks just like her, she'll be an amazing daughter to us both, and we'll be a happy family. I'm obsessed; I'm literally obsessed!"

Cara 😑 didn't want him to use the child to keep his ex, so she said, "That's a bad idea. Leave my daughter out of your volatile relationship!"

Kris just took the baby from them, and Cara ran after him, and it was like they were playing tug-a-war with a toddler. Cara was pulling Persona's arms, something Cara would never have done if Persona was a newborn, as they are so fragile you can rip the babies apart.


Kris pulled even harder, kicked poor Cara in the shins, put baby Persona, terrified, in the car, and drove off. Persona assumed she was being kidnapped.

Now, remember that Tony is a politician. Tony went outside and asked her, "What happened?" So, Cara replied, "He took her and drove off!"

Tony got concerned and told his off-duty bodyguard over the phone, "Kris came and took the baby, and we don't know where the kid is; we can only think he's using the baby to get his ex back, and it's not working. She attacked him. Please find him and get the baby back," Frantic.

The bodyguard asked, "Why'd he take her?"

Tony responded, "The license plate on his car is INTERNATIONAL, Pennsylvania, 1997, SC39690, INTERNATIONAL 3000 SERIES 3800."

The bodyguard asked him to repeat it, which he did as the bodyguard wrote it down and contacted the police.

Persona saw all the pretty house and wanted to live in one on her way to Lina's house.

Tony is a senator. Tony had the power to help pass laws. He also had the power to get the police on his side. His full name is Tony Diaz Delgado. He's Hispanic. Cara is Romani. Kris is from India.

Kris drove up to Lina's house, while police were close behind. How they found him is via a literal miracle & a tracker in the model make of his car he didn't know existed.

Lina saw the police surrounding her home yelling "Kris, we have you surrounded, come out of the car with the toddler, unarmed!"

Kris stepped out of the car, yelling, "I love you, Lina! I'm sorry, come back, our child's in the car!" As officer Adam opened the car door and retrieved the child.

Officer Adam yelled "We have the senator's daughter!" Lina was so confused. "The senator's daughter?! You stole the senator's daughter?!" Said Lina.

Lina was more concerned about the idea of a senator's kid being kidnapped than with her ex coming over, so she yelped "How dare you? What's happening to you?" In concern for Kris' deteriorating mental health.

Kris was hailed into the back of a cop car in silence. Police returned baby Persona to Cara & Tony Diaz Delgado.

To be continued.