Chapter 24: Layla

Air is rarer than gold dust right now. I’m struggling to find enough to satisfy my lungs as Jared towers over me. He’s larger than life. He’s angrier than a storm. He has a savage beauty about him that makes being in his presence hard to bear.

Jared steps back to the chair and gathers up his jacket. I’m frozen to the spot as he returns, and with such a tenderness that sings to the most humane part of me, he drapes the coat over my shoulders, and my pain wants to howl his name.

"Let’s go." His words are hollow, and the echo of them has my pain burning up faster than dry paper. I follow him quickly out of the mansion. Taking snapshots in my mind of the architecture that under normal circumstances I would admire, my mind reels. I can’t believe this is where he lives. It appears that Jared has everything. Appearances can be and are deceiving, though. I’ve never seen another human so empty at times.