A fiery phoenix flew over the annex building many rounds.

Ignacia looked up at it, knowing that it might be arch-spirit of fire, but ignored it and continued to train her body.

A fiery phoenix flew down and sat on the branch of the tree nearby, looking at Ignacia, curiously.

Ignacia still ignored it, and went to rest under the shade of another tree.

A fiery phoenix flew toward her and said, "You seemed to not being surprised after you saw me."

"Do I need to?" Ignacia asked.

"You are a rude brat. Don't you know who I am?" Ardere, a fiery phoenix said.

"It's my first time seeing you," Ignacia said, pretending to not know about her existence.

Ardere looked at Ignacia, tiredly, then asked, "Who are you?"

"Ignacia Von Ardentia, an abandoned daughter of The Duke of Ardentia," Ignacia said.

"Well, I mean you, the real you. The soul of that child was an omen of bad luck. That's why she was abandoned," Ardere said.