
Ignacia activated 'Time Focus' to look for Crown Prince Akhenakh II, and found the dense dark energy from a man who was riding on the chariot far from front line, then teleported to be behind him, and used Katana Sword to stab into his heart, spreading holy fire magic to burn him whole.

Time started to run as normal.

The General, who was riding on another chariot, next to Crown Prince Akhenakh II, saw Ignacia killing and burning him, then hurriedly used spear to attack her.

Ignacia teleported to dodge his attack, and activated 'Holy Lightning' to attack both Crown Prince Akhenakh II, and The General at once, making sure to finish them off.

The bodies of Crown Prince Akhenakh II, and The General were completely burned. They died instantly.

Ignacia used 'Telepathy' to communicate with Valentina, while activating 'Exorcism' to exorcise the spirits.