
Chapter 27

“Can you stop?” He pulled to the side of the road and looked over at her. “Just stop, Ardala, there has to be another way to break the bond that doesn’t end with you dying on a tiny beach in the middle of nowhere.”

“I am not dead,” Ardala told him, trying to bristle but too tired to get there. “Please, just let me go, return to Sarah’s point and I will continue to gather distance to break the bond.”

“No,” he put took her hand, stopping her from fighting her seatbelt open. “What about the other options you were talking about, one of them has got to work better than this.”

“There is an element of uncertainty in them.” Ardala said, voice still quiet and broken. “This is the only sure way.” She fought her hand free and unsnapped the seatbelt before trying to wrest the door open frantically. “I am too weak to hold the tie very well, I must go before it escapes my control.”