
Chapter 76

She closed the book and turned, jumping a little when she saw him. “Hello,” she turned the paper over quickly and turned back to him with a little bit of a blush staining her cheeks. “Are you well today?”

“Oh yes, I’m fine.” He walked closer, watching her slide to guard the paper. “Are you ok? You seem awfully cautious about me not reading that piece of paper. You don’t need to worry, if you don’t want me to read it I won’t.”

“It is nothing terribly important.” She still looked embarrassed but moved away from the table she’d been standing by to stand in front of him instead. “I was simply researching different ways to-“ she blushed heavily. “I cannot say yet, but you will see the results of my research soon, I hope.”

“So, I was just with your father again.” He offered her his arms and his heart melted when she came and curled up under his chin. “He’s going to give me a title and lands, which is a little bit wild to me.”