She had accepted him. Ishaan was reeling in relief as he held her in the hot water of the tub. She had taken him as her mate, wore his marks in deep red around her wrists and at the base of her throat. He wanted to kiss each looping, twining line as they arched over each other and her skin but she said she was hungry and he had to take care of that first. He helped her from the tub and watched the water flow off on her and back into the crystal basin that they’d just emerged from. But he was getting distracted and he had to care for his mate first before he could think about how lovely her body was.
Ishaan lifted his hands and whispered his need into them, requesting food and drink for his Soul and mate. She was his mate, he was her mate, they each bore the marks of the other and Ishaan knew that being apart from her was going to be miserable at best and painful at worst. He released the orb and watched it zip away before he started thinking.