Chapter 69

Just after Carina faded into sleep there was a knock at the door. Ishaan held in the swear and went to answer it after he pulled his pants back on. The Flight didn’t care about casual nudity, but he wasn’t there yet.

It was Ceris at the door and she held what looked like a string bag that was completely filled with golden orbs. “I have brought the orbs you requested Soul-mate.”

“Thank you, Ceris.” Ishaan smiled and the young woman blushed and shoved the bag into his hands. “This will prove extremely helpful, I promise.”

“Do not allow our Soul to sacrifice herself, please Soul-mate.” Ceris looked pained and sad. “She is needed, so badly needed by the entire Flight.”

“I won’t let anyone cage her, not now, not ever.” He stifled the urge to hug Ceris and instead clutched the bag closer to him. “I’m going to go back to watching over her now, thank you again Ceris, this is more help than you know.”