Chapter 76

She flung herself out, hasty and uncontrolled and sloppy. Reaching to and for the planes, summoning them, pleading with them to come to her. They came in a rush, grabbing onto her, dragging at the power inside her and attaching to her like bright leeches. She embraced them, connecting with each of them and in turn connecting them to her plane. The magic twisted and locked and started flowing, pounding through her like a river in spring flow. The sheer amount of it drove her down to the earth, flat on her face on the stones of the beach.

A warm hand pressed down on her back and Siana fought her head up to see Naerin kneeling by her side. She lifted the weight of the magic, forcing it to settle evenly across her shoulders, forcing the power into a single path where it was controlled and stable and even. Once the weight had settled, she forced herself into a sitting position and smiling over at Naerin.