The Eyes of the Crowd...

"Come, let everyone see what's wrong with you!"

As she spoke, Ning Mengmeng pushed Ning Yushi hard.

Due to inertia, Ning Yushi jumped out. If she hadn't reacted quickly and hit the opposite wall with her hands, her face might have hit the wall.


In just an instant, she heard the sound of gasps.

Ning Yushi's expression changed. She quickly looked in the direction of the voice and immediately realized!

There were seven or eight servants standing at the door of her room.

Ning Mengmeng's room was at the innermost part of the room, while Ning Yushi's room was right next to hers.

Everyone looked at Ning Yushi in disbelief.



Was she still the Young Miss?

She… Why was she dressed like this!

And did she come out from the Second Miss's room with her husband?
