Cowardly Turtle

[xxx: 9494, why are you using such a deceptive method!? Do you think our goddess is easy to bully? We goddess fans will never admit defeat!]

[xxx: Ning Mengmeng's brainless fans are shameless! The video wasn't edited at all. It was all real, but you guys actually didn't distinguish between right and wrong and are still brainlessly slandering our Xiao Yu! Ning Mengmeng quickly come out and apologize!]

[xxx: Ning Mengmeng, get out of the entertainment industry! Ever since she appeared, the trending searches had been about her nonstop. It's like a huge dye vat.]



One after another, most of them were scolding Ning Mengmeng.

It was not because Ning Yushi was very popular, but because many people felt that this matter was true and that Ning Mengmeng was in the wrong. Such a person did not deserve to be an artiste. Otherwise, she would lead the ordinary people to be so cruel. This was definitely not a good start.