Looking for Brother Sen?

Li Tao looked at Ning Mengmeng in confusion. "Looking for Brother Sen? Why are we looking for Brother Sen?"

"Go and confess to Brother Sen. Confess to him affectionately. There can't be any deviation."

When Li Tao heard this, her face turned pale. "F*ck! Sister Mengmeng, how is this a bet? Aren't you courting death?! Are you crazy?"

What was the difference between this and plucking fur from a tiger's butt!

Ning Mengmeng raised her eyebrows and even chuckled. "Do you have to be so exaggerated? But think about it, isn't this exciting?!"

Li Tao's eyes trembled. "It's quite exciting…"

If Brother Sen saw Sister Mengmeng confessing to him, Brother Sen's face would definitely turn black.

Ning Xiaomeng, you're good! I didn't allow you to date, but you confessed to me?

When she thought of that, Li Tao couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Alright, then it's settled."