Shifting Of Tide

April 17, 3240

Pavillion News Feed:

The Analysis Of The Battle Of Venture: Steam Empire Victory by a magic miracle fully analyzed

The End Of War On Siva: Steam Empire victory by a tsunami

Breaking News: Dwindling Resolve Of The Death Cult

Those were the titles of the news articles I found Emperor looking at today. The defeats on Siva and Venture must have hit him hard. He hasn't been visiting the realm for a while. I want to help him, but it seems that I'm being ignored. Sigh... At least I know that he'll be safe on Aquarius, well, I suppose I should say 'we' since the both of us are in this one physical body.

I understand why the whole universe is after him but none of them let him show his true self. In fact, I'm probably the only one who he shows his true form to. From what I know, he wears a dark cloak all the time. Then out of nowhere, I heard the familiar knocking sound on the door.

"Come in."

The door opens and enters a tired looking Emperor who crashes onto the sofa in the living room.

"I've been busy, super busy."

"I saw the headlines... How bad is it really?"

"Aquarius may be the last major stand of the Death Cult. Lots of communication issues between forces. I suspect an attack from the Steam Empire anytime now."

"You really should get some rest, you look tired even in the Realm."

"Dang, I guess I really do need sleep. Heck, half the time I can't even get a good nap because of warning sirens throughout the night. I end up using caffeinated drinks to compensate."

In a trice, the speakers inside the realm began to broadcast a warning sound.

"Emperor, what's happening?"

"I'll find out in a second, I'm dematerializing from the Realm. I'll allow you to tune into the audio and visual output of me."

"Alright then, don't die."

A couple seconds later, he de-materializes and I saw the screen on the computer change to his visual output. I quickly sat next to the computer, trying to find out what had happened. I see Emperor getting up and immediately is approached by a woman giving him a synopsis of what happened.

"The Steam Empire has arrived with eight fleets. I have details on the combatants in this battle."

"Go ahead, tell me who's here to kill me."

"The Elemental Fleet, Zeppelin Fleet, Crimson Fleet, Resurrection Fleet, Sakura Fleet, Akagi fleet, and Aquarius Fleet. The capital ships that have been detected are as the following: SSF Raven, SSF Resonance, SSF Penetrator, SSF Resurrection, SSF Zeppelin, SSF Oathkeeper, SSF Akagi, SSF Sakura, SSF Opportunity, SSF Quiver, and SSF Felix Aqua. All capital ships are present on the battlefield. How should we plan our defense?"

"I say that we-"

Emperor's movements were very erratic, then he fell on the ground. It was hard for me to watch him fall, and even harder for me to endure the thud that came right after. The visual output from Emperor's eyes was weakening, what I saw through the blurriness was a bunch of crew members coming to his aid. However with the audio output still functioning, I could make out what was happening.

"Emperor has fallen unconscious, we need to get him to safety."

"Then we need to get him off the ship, where is a good spot to send him... I know! We can send him to Fein Fortress. Everyone, let's li-"

The audio output had stopped. He was fully unconscious now.