Hard to deal with

After Yuri said what she said, she looked at them to see their expression, she has just come up with that and was only saying in her heart who cares that he is not mine, it is not like they know, she has only said that cause she thinks they stand a better chance of coming with a no violence conclussion since sparrow was from Scarecrow and know Haechi.

"You just said you are anti faction to scarecrow, how am I to believe you have something to do with their number two now" Gaara said with a smile as he walked forward.

"He is no more a scarecrow, Sparrow should know that" Yuri said.

"Is it through" Gaara asked on reaching where sparrow was.

"Yes, most of the first batch mystically disappeared, he was among them," Sparrow said.

"Maybe your sparrow organization shipped them off and tried to use them like some trade as they did to you, he must have been a few lucky one that escape" Gaara said with a smile.

"If that really happened then I don't think it should be said he is a lucky one that escaped, instead it should be something the other way around" Sparrow said.

"Is he that scary?" Gaara asked.

"His code name was death emissary, he only brings tidings from the other side," Sparrow said.

"I will like to meet him then, knock them both out" Gaara said.

"Okay boss" Sparrow said as he looked at Yuri and Kaori.

"Brace yourself" Yuri said as she grip on the trigger a bit gently ready to release with any move.

Boom! Sparrow shoot forward like an arrow covering the distance between them but Yuri dropped to the side as she released the trigger, Bang! Bang! Bang! The bullet came rushing out as she immediately sprint up trying to maintain distance which is an advantage of a gunner.

Seeing the bullet whiz towards him in a close range, Sparrow still managed to tilt his body a bit making the first bullet to scrape his clothe exposing his side abs, and the second bullet he used his shorter blade to hit at the side as it closed in redirecting it enough to miss him while at the same time sending it towards Kaori that was about attacking from the side with his katana causing the bullet and the katana to collide together, the third bullet went straight to his heart though but somehow he has managed to use his hand holding on his bit longer blade to stop it from hitting his body.

"It was a fine blade, maybe I underestimated you both a little too much" Sparrow said as the blade that blocked the bullet heading to his heart break into two while Yuri and Kaori immediately regrouped backing each other.

"they are really dangerous, I will give you a helping hand, I take the gunner this time around, you take the Katanna dude" Gaara said with a smile.

"Kaori, maintain distance" Yuri said.

"Okay miss" Kaori answered as he readied his katana raising it a bit.

"Ashura !! Gaara said once again but this time around his muscles start bulging as he seem to grow a bit in size with his top tearing to give way for his now more broad shoulders, his body was full of tattoo that seems like beast drawings.

"I am coming in" Gaara said as he propelled himself forward in full force causing his formal standing position to cave in.

Sparrow also shot forth toward the same direction as the both immediately reached Yuri and Kaori.

Bang! Bang ! bang! Yuri shot at Gaara who was directly heading towards her while Kaori shoot forth to meet Sparrow that was directly heading toward him.

Pa! pa! pa! Gaara raised his hand to shield his forehead as two of the bullet headed to it while only one headed to the body.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Yuri shot again but them before she can release another shot Gaara has already closed in punching out directly towards her chest.

Boom! The punch crashed a part of the ship as saw Yuri slowly drift away from the side firing a shot at the back of his head.

Pa, Gaara who did not bother dodging the bullet turned to head after Yuri covering the distance quite fast and throwing another punch which Yuri somehow drifted again to dodge and fire out another shot, their fight was weird, one was a brute that rush into everything, while the other was more like a fairly that gracefully avoids getting hit and attacking.

Clang! Clang !clang! the sound of blade colliding rattled the air as Kaori and Sparrow kept doing their thing.

"sparrow kept trying to close in but then Kaori just seems to always find a means to keep the distance.

Pa! Sparrow stabbed forward as Kaori immediately raised his Katana to block it.

"I got you" Sparrow said as his other hand immediately crisscrossed cutting Kaori and leaving a bit deep gash, he has hid the broken blade up his sleeve making Kaori think he now has only one.

Kaori staggered back a bit as he looked at the cut.

"Kaori!" Yuri who was just dodging another punch directed at her shouted as she fired consistently at Gaara who rged on forward.

"Miss it is just a slight cut" Kaori said as he gripped his katana tight once again.

"Blend, I will fight both alone" Yuri said as she pushes back keeping her distance and dodging Gaara.

"Miss I can still go on" Kaori said.

"It is an order" Yuri said as she fired shot at Sparrow who has headed for Kaori once again forcing him to dodge as Kaori immediately seem to disappear out of sight.

Pa! Gaara punch slightly touched Yuri forcing her some meters back.

"you only dodge me, how do you think you can take on both of us" Gaara asked.

Currently Yuri was now standing in their middle, Gaara by the right and Sparrow by the left.

Tud! A sound was heard causing both Gaara, Sparrow and Yuri to look at the place where the sound come from.

"She don't need to do she? I heard you say you want to take her hostage to meet us," A man pot bellied said as he appeared in their line of sight, at his chest was a deep katana gash.

"who are you? " Gaara asked.

"I am death emissary, it was hard finding a living body to possess on the ship apart from the few of you" The pot bellied man said.

Hearing this Yuri looked at the man with creased eyes while Gaara turned to look at Sparrow seemingly asking for explanation