As Liu Zhihao walked towards the gate of the city, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that he was about to cross the line that would make him an enemy of the state, and that he would have to pay a heavy price if he was caught.
But he had made up his mind. He couldn't continue to live his life in fear, always looking over his shoulder, always trying to stay one step ahead of the authorities. He wanted to live his life on his own terms, even if it meant betraying the country that had given him everything.
He took a deep breath and stepped outside the city walls. The guards at the gate looked at him suspiciously, but they didn't stop him. Liu Zhihao felt a surge of relief as he walked away from the city, towards the mountains.
As he walked, he thought about what he was going to do next. He had heard about a group of rebels who were fighting against the government, and he had decided to join them. He knew that it was a risky move, but he felt that it was the only way to make a real difference.
After walking for several hours, Liu Zhihao finally reached the rebel camp. He was greeted by a group of men and women who looked just as determined as he was. They welcomed him warmly, and Liu Zhihao knew that he had made the right decision.
Over the next few weeks, Liu Zhihao proved himself to be a valuable member of the rebel group. He used his intelligence and cunning to help plan attacks on government targets, and his martial arts skills proved to be invaluable in battle.
But as time went on, Liu Zhihao began to realize the true cost of his loyalty to the rebels. He saw his comrades die in battle, and he saw the government retaliate by killing innocent civilians. He knew that he was no longer the same person he was before he left the city.
As he sat alone in his tent one night, Liu Zhihao wondered if he had made a mistake. He wondered if he had sacrificed too much for a cause that he wasn't sure he still believed in. But he knew that it was too late to turn back now. He had crossed the line, and there was no going back.