A Test of Strength

The next morning, Liu Zhihao continued his journey, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after a good night's rest. He couldn't stop thinking about the man he had met the night before and the strange connection he had felt with him.

As he walked down the road, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He felt like he was being watched, but every time he turned around, there was no one there.

He tried to push the feeling aside, but it lingered throughout the day. It wasn't until he stopped for the night at another inn that he realized what was wrong.

The same man he had met the night before was there, sitting in a corner and watching him. Liu Zhihao approached him cautiously, unsure of what to expect.

"Hello again," the man said with a smile.

Liu Zhihao was taken aback. "What are you doing here?"

The man shrugged. "I'm traveling, same as you."

But Liu Zhihao couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He couldn't believe that they had crossed paths twice in such a short time, especially when they were both traveling in opposite directions.

He decided to keep his guard up, even as they chatted and shared a meal together. He couldn't help but wonder if the man had some ulterior motive for following him.

As the night wore on, Liu Zhihao couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to leave as soon as possible. He made an excuse about needing to start his journey early the next morning and retired to his room.

But even as he lay in bed, trying to sleep, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease. He knew he had to be careful, especially with the man following him. He couldn't let his guard down for a moment.