Chapter 21: Hero becomes more and more ruthless

Despite his imprisonment, Ryu's conviction in his own beliefs remained unshaken. He spent every waking moment brooding over the perceived injustices of the world, growing angrier and more resentful with each passing day.

Over time, his sense of righteousness gave way to a deep-seated bitterness and a burning desire for revenge. He felt as though the world had wronged him, and he was determined to make it pay.

As the years went by, Ryu became more and more ruthless in his thoughts and actions. He began to develop a following among the other prisoners, using his charisma and force of will to bend them to his will.

Under Ryu's influence, the prison became a brutal and lawless place, with violence and corruption running rampant. Ryu relished his newfound power, using it to strike back at the world that had betrayed him.

But despite his outward bravado, Ryu's heart was filled with anger and despair. He had lost everything that had ever mattered to him, and he had nothing left to lose. He was a man consumed by his own rage, with nothing left to live for but his own twisted sense of justice.

In the end, Ryu's recklessness and brutality caught up with him once again. He was involved in a vicious gang war within the prison, which resulted in the deaths of several inmates.

This time, there was no escape for Ryu. He was sentenced to death, and his execution was carried out without hesitation.

As Ryu drew his last breath, he couldn't help but wonder if things could have turned out differently. If only he had been able to let go of his anger and bitterness, and to see the world in a different light.

But it was too late for that now. Ryu had become a slave to his own hatred and vengeance, and in the end, it had destroyed him utterly.