Chapter 30: Prision Escape (2)

Ryu and the girl ran away from the palace as fast as they could, dodging the guards that were searching for them. They finally found a secluded spot near a river where they could catch their breath and plan their next move.

Ryu felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was grateful to the girl for saving his life and he felt a strong connection to her. On the other hand, he was angry at himself for failing to kill the king and fulfill his revenge. He knew he had to stay focused and come up with a new plan.

The girl looked at him with concern. "Are you okay?" she asked.

Ryu nodded. "I'll be fine. We need to get as far away from here as possible. The king will be looking for us."

The girl hesitated. "But where will we go? I have no family, no home to go back to."

Ryu thought for a moment. "There's a place I know, a remote village in the mountains. It's where I grew up. We can hide there for a while and regroup."

The girl nodded. "Okay, let's go."

They started their journey towards the mountains, traveling at night and hiding during the day to avoid being spotted. Ryu felt a sense of purpose again, he had someone to protect, and a new plan to make.

As they journeyed, Ryu and the girl grew closer, sharing stories and getting to know each other better. Ryu found himself opening up to her in ways he never had before, and he began to see her as more than just a companion in his quest for revenge.

When they finally arrived at the village, Ryu was surprised at how much it had changed. It was bigger and more prosperous than he remembered, with new buildings and people he didn't recognize.

But the villagers welcomed him warmly, remembering him as the boy who had left years ago to seek his fortune. Ryu felt a sense of belonging he hadn't felt in a long time.

As Ryu and the girl settled into their new life in the village, Ryu began to see the world in a different light. He realized that there were other things worth fighting for besides revenge, like protecting the people he cared about and making a better life for himself.

He still had a burning desire for revenge, but he knew that he had to be patient and wait for the right opportunity. In the meantime, he would protect the village and the girl, and continue to hone his skills as a fighter.

Ryu had come a long way from the ruthless fighter he used to be, and he knew that there was still a long road ahead of him. But for the first time in a long time, he had hope for a better future.